Tooth decay and cavities can be viewed as as the most prevalent dental problem attended by dentist Upper East Side. According to dentist Upper East Side, they are commonly found among children, teenagers and elderly people without the difference. Cavities left untreated can affect the deeper layers of the teeth.They could cause severe toothache, infection, tooth loss etc.Good flossing habits and regular visits to a dentist Upper East Side etc. can give you better protection against tooth decay and cavities.
Outward indications of tooth decay as explained by the dentist Upper East Side
• Spontaneous pain without the apparent reason
• Tooth sensitivity
• Sharp or mild pain when eating or drinking sweet or hot or old liquids or anything
• Visible holes in your teeth
• Surface of tooth becoming stained in brown or black or white color
• Pain while biting down
When to consult a dentist?
In accordance with dentist Upper East Side, patients may not be familiar with the cavity that is forming inside his teeth. So it's extremely important to conduct regular visits to your dentist Upper East Side, even though the mouth area is feeling perfect to you. If tooth pain or tooth ache is noticed see him immediately. Cavities are formed inside your teeth over a period of time.Step by step development of tooth decay is given below as explained by a dentist Upper East Side.
Formation of plaques: A clear and sticky film that appears on the teeth is dental plaques. It's formed once you eat lot of starches and sugars and when you're not frequent in cleaning your teeth.This helps the growth of bacteria while they feed to them and grow resulting in the formation of the plaque. The plaque growing on teeth often gets hardened above or below the gum line into the tartar. Tartar makes plaque difficult to be removed and forms a shield for bacteria.
Plaque attack: According to dentist Upper East Side the minerals contained in the hard outer enamel of tooth are removed by the acids within the plaque. This results in the formation of tiny holes in enamel, that is the starting stage of cavities.As the enamel worn away, acid and bacteria easily reach the adjacent layer of the teeth. This layer is called the dentin. This layer is less resistant to minerals and acids.The dentin directly communicates with tooth nerves and therefore is highly sensitive to pain.
Destruction proceeds: According to the dentist Upper East Side acids and bacteria continue their journey through one's teeth as tooth decay develops. It reaches the inner tooth referred to as pulp that is filled with blood vessels and nerves.As bacteria reach pulp it becomes irritated and swollen. As there's little space in the tooth for swelling to expand it becomes compressed leading to discomfort and pain.This pain sometimes reaches outer sides beyond the basis of your bone. This problem immediately warrants the interference of a dentist Upper East Side.
For more details please visit Bauer Dental Arts.
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