Tajweed is an Arabic word meaning “proficiency”. In reference to recitation of the Holy Quran, it means reading the Quran as it was read in its earliest times. It encompasses the recitation of every word and syllable of the Arabic language that is used in the Quran.
The holy Quran is the direct and literal word of Allah SWT. Its recitation is to be done in a very serious and proper manner. It is one of its rights to be read with proper Tajweed. True Muslims strive to recite the Quran in its pure form, i.e., with proper Tajweed as it was revealed. This is crucial as the holy scripture was sent down 1400 years ago, and since then, the Arabic language has evolved as its people have. As a result, we cannot recite the Quran in Arabic without Tajweed. Doing so might misguide us, because the Quran is meant to be followed so if we read the commandments wrong and with no supervision, we can be easily lost. The Holy Quran itself says: “…And recite the Qur’an with measured recitation.” [Qur’an 73:4]
The holy Quran is our teacher and our source of guidance in this world. It shows us the way to Allah SWT, to be close to him and to follow his commandments. Recitation of the Quran is essential in order to reap the benefits of the book.
In order to learn Tajweed, you need to learn the different syllables, the different dialects, and then practice reciting the Quran.
There are Quran classes available at local schools that are dedicated to teacing Muslims the correct way to recite the Quran. They cover all the three steps mentioned above including memorization. However, the world is becoming more digitized and you can also learn Quran online. Schools like TarteeleQuran are good places to learn Quran online with Tajweed. In fact, their quality is better than that you can get at your local Mosque, especially if you live in the west. In countries like the USA, Canada, and Australia, people have little to none options to learn Quran in person. Furthermore, the pandemic has made it even more difficult and unsafe to attend physical classes in general. For these reasons, you should opt to learn Quran online.Online Quran classes are gaining popularity in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.
Schools like TarteeleQuran offer free trial classes and have excellent teachers. Their courses cover all three important areas of study for you to learn Quran online with Tajweed.
Main areas of study
● The first and most basic course you need to study is the Qaida. This does not include learning the rules of Tajweed, but rather the Arabic alphabets, signs and consonants etc. it is your first step to form a word when reading the Quran. It is usually taught to kids, but if you choose to learn Quran online at TarteeleQuran, their classes are suitable for all age groups. It is interactive and very easy to learn.
● Secondly, you need to understand that there are different accents that the Holy Quran is recited in. They are called the 10 Qirat. Only these 10 specific ones are the correct ones, while everything else changes the meaning of the Quran to something that it is not meant to be. These are slight changes in pronunciation and spellings that do not alter the meanings of the Arabic language but differ because Arabic is a very diverse language. These differences existed even in the time of the Prophet PBUH.
Ibn ‘Abbaas reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Jibreel recited the Qur’an to me in one harf, and I recited it back to him, but I requested him to increase (the number of harf) and he continued to increase it for me until we stopped at seven ahruf.” Ibn Shihaab az-Zuhree (d. 124 A.H.), one of the narrators of the hadeeth, said, “It has reached me that these seven ahruf are essentially one (in meaning), they do not differ about what is permitted or forbidden.” 383
● Thirdly and lastly, comes the recitation itself. This is where you apply all your previous knowledge alongside the rules of Tajweed and recite the Quran as it should be read. You should have a qualified teacher of your choice. This is essential as what you read is what you are implying. A slight mispronunciation can change the meaning of what you want to say. It is important to take the Qaida course before we learn Quran online with Tajweed. This course will essentially guide you to the right path, the path that Allah SWT sent down to be followed as it teaches us how to read his commandments properly.
Benefits of learning Tajweed online
· If you learn Quran online with a reputed institution like TarteeleQuran, it offers you great flexibility and options. You can choose to have a male or a female teacher. You can fix your own schedule and even the number of classes in a week. Moreover, you can sign up for a free trial class!
· If you
learn Quran online with Tajweed, it is a lot cheaper as it eliminates transportation cost. It is also less time consuming as you do not need to get ready to go out or meet your teacher in person, you can simply take the class from your room. It is also safe.
· Lastly, many people feel awkward about their accents and are shy to ask for help. These people should learn Quran online. It is a great option for these people. You can comfortably take a class at home with a qualified teacher who is physically very far away from you.
Importance of Tajweed
You should consider taking the courses yourself and also as a Muslim parent it is your duty to provide your children with this knowledge. It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbas said: “The Messenger of Allah said: ‘One Faqih (knowledgeable man) is more formidable against the Shaitan than one thousand devoted worshipers.’” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 222)
Tajweed is extremely important not just for reciting Quran, but because we use it everywhere in our lives. We recite verses of the Holy Quran in prayer, in death, in supplication and so much more. Muslims carry Quran in their hearts, and it is crucial that they carry it in its correct form.